Thursday, 22 March 2007

sketches, studies,and exercises, Oh...and a couple of paintings too!

Click on images to enlarge

Title: Winter Arrives [Watercolour on 140lb Bockinford paper.50x38cm]

Referenced from a sketch that I made at Trecwn, Pembrokeshire, whilst waiting in the rain for the bus to take me to town. West Wales can be very bleak and miserable when the weather turns, and this painting was expressing my mood!

Title: Still Life With Apples [Watercoulours on Fabriano 300lb cotton. 70x54cm]

An ambitious project [my largest watercolour yet] painted from life. Still can't decide if this is finished.

Title: Still Life - Mono [Grisaille watercolour on paper board. 34x27cm]

A winters day exercise in observation and tone control.

Title: Attitude [graphite on paper. 21x16cm]

I always enjoy working with graphite pencils, especially when i can use them heavily. I also love the challenge of portraying expression in faces.

Title: Lecha Farm, Llanhowell. [Watercolour on 140lb Bockinford. 22x15cm]

An October plein-air study of a typical Pembrokeshire farmstead that never quite became a hamlet.

Title: Pembrokeshire Trees [Conte wax pencil on paper. 33x29cm]

Just a grouping that I 'found'. A plein-air sketch...I near froze to death doing was December!

Title: The Hair-piece [Charcoal on paper. 38x28cm]

I was supposed to be sketching the same subject that she was, but found her to be more interesting!

Title: Tea & Eggs [Graphite on paper. 35x29cm]

Another winter day exercise whilst living at the pottery in Wolfscastle...I have a thing about elipses don't I?

Title: Intent [charcoal on paper. 23x23cm]

Detail referenced from a photograph that I found in an old magazine.

Title: Birch Stand & Beech Fall [Watercolour on 90lb tough paper. 24x17cm]

A small study, expressing the play of light in the treetops


Untitled Study [Conte pencils on paper. 33x26cm]

Another plein-air exercise, this time to study the play of light on rocks and water in the upper reaches of the Cleddau River in Pembrokeshire.

Title: Days End [Ink & colourwash on 140lb Bockingford paper. 35x25cm]

Pure fantasy. Based on the Lecha Farm study. A fun piece to do...this really does reflect the slow and traditional way of life which still prevails in rural Wales.