Wednesday, 2 July 2008

a new direction

Well recent weeks have seen little rain in my part of the world, and so very little has come off my studio easel.Of course there has been a lot of activity outdoors, with various mediums being utilized, but it is almost exclusively preparation or sketch work. At some point in the future I shall endeavour to organize the fruits of my labours into some kind of presentable format, and publish it here.In the meantime, the last few waking hours of each evening I have been employing the latest addition to my toolbox, and have been creating digital abstract images.These images are somwhat of a departure from those that I normally present here, but I have decided to post them for the sake of posterity, and hopefully for the enjoyment of some of the regular visitors. However I do appreciate that they will not appeal to everyones tastes, and so those of you who are newcomers to my site, and who wish to view more traditional forms of painting, are invited to scroll to the lower sections of the page.Many thanks for viewing my work, I hope that you will enjoy at least some of it.Enquiries for originals, giclees, and prints, as well as commercial enquiries, are always welcome via the email address at the head of the page. I am not a greedy man, and I believe you will find my charges extremely affordable.

Click Images to enlarge